Stone and marble artworks of Sistan and Baluchistan

The main square of the city of Zahedan has become a place to present luxurious works of art, where we tried to present a small corner of the rich culture and art of female artists of this province and the historical background and ancient stories and civilization of more than two thousand years of this province in the form of a stone tableau. to display outstanding and brilliant. In creating each of these works, we have used all our efforts, precision and skill to be able to implement the best design and execution on the stone table.

Stages of making stone and mosaic artworks in Sistan and Baluchestan

1-Selecting the Stone Block

Size: 2.2 meters x 1.6 meters x 1.7 meters – Weight: 8.26 tons .

2- Cutting and Sizing the Stones

cutting by wire cutting – Dimensions: 1.05 meters x 2.2 meters – Thickness: 16 centimeters –  Quantity: 6 pieces – Selecting slab

3- Designing Sculptural and Inlay Works

1 Naqsh-e Rostam relief stone panel 2 Barge and Sea relief stone panel3 Sistani embroidery mosaic panel 4 Sistani animation

4- Final execution with CNC and waterjet machines

5- Loading, shipping and delivery in Zahedan

Installation in Zahedan and visits (installation was not related to our team)

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

